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Exhibits Profile

Exhibits Profile

OT 2025 exhibits cover a wide range of applications, including environment and renewable energy, various operations and activities, data captures & analysis, materials and more!

  • Autonomous and Remote Systems, Vehicles and Platforms

  • Consultation, Training, Education Institutions

  • Deck Equipment, Machinery and Systems - Research Vessels

  • Geophysical Exploration of Ocean Floor

  • Industrial Associations

  • Marine Renewable Resource

  • Marine Structure Design Systems

  • Marine Survey, Mapping and Post-Processing Systems

  • Marine Systems, Command and Control

  • Navigating & Positioning Systems

  • Ocean Bottom Seismograph and Forecast Systems

  • Ocean Energy Exploitation & Utilization

  • Ocean Physics & Hydrographic Observation Systems

  • Ocean Remote Sensing Systems

  • Ocean Resources Sampling Technology and Processing Equipment

  • Oil & Gas Exploration

  • Optical Systems - Underwater

  • Platforms – Offshore and Ship

  • Propulsion Systems

  • Seabed Recovery Equipment and Anchoring

  • Seacoast, Port Engineering, Ocean Environment

  • Subsea Cable System

  • Subsea Testing​


Area of Interest: Renewable Energy

  • Offshore Wind and Hybrid Systems

  • Ocean Energy System Integration

  • Multi-use Platforms

  • Measurements and Instrumentation

  • Testing Devices

  • Hydrodynamics and Structural Mechanics

  • Wave and Tidal Device Arrays

  • Power Take-off and Device Control

  • OTEC Systems

  • Environmental Assessments

  • Techno-economic Assessments​

Live Demo

OceanTech Expo, initiated by Zhejiang University's Ocean College, is purposely created to provide a unique comprehensive site for live demos.  A survey ship docked at the Ocean College/Zhejiang University pier, the Zhairuoshan Island Experimental Research Observatory, Zhejiang University’s world class marine research and testing facilities, and open-air, fresh water Ming Hui Lake -- all located either on the Ocean College Zhoushan Campus or within a short boat ride away.



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Live Demo - OceanTech Program 2019
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Sonardyne at Oceantech Program - Live Demo
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Live Demo

​OT 2019/OT 2021 On Campus/Remote Online Live Demos

  • Mini Ranger 2 Shallow Water USBL System – Sonardyne

  • Modem 6 Acoustic Communications - Sonardyne

  • ROV (DOE L6) carrying 3D imaging Sonar BV5000 conducting underwater survey with maneuvering capabilities

  • Multibeam survey demo coordinated with Zhejiang University's Zijingang survey ship as mother vessel, carrying R2Sonic 2024, arrayed with two USVs - 5.5 and 3m - each with an R2Sonic 2022 or 2024 on board  

  • 10.3 USV in high speed and autonomous navigation modes

  • EdgeTech 6205 Swath Bathymetry & Side Scan Sonar survey demo coordinated with 7.5m USV

  • EdgeTech 2205 Sub-bottom Profiler sonar survey demo coordinated with 7.5m USV

  • Demo performed for EdgeTech 3400 wideband Frequency modulated (FM) Sub-bottom profiler system and EdgeTech 4205 dual-frequency side-seam sonar system, both installed on Zijingnag survey ship.

  • Remote live demos presented by Sonardyne at the company’s test facility in Plymouth - Demos demonstrate the support of subsea wireless modem and shallow water USBL tracking.

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